I B 317. International Marketing
3 Credits (3)
Focuses on decisions relating to entering markets, market segmentation, marketing strategies, and tactics in the international arena. Same as MKTG 317.
Learning Outcomes
- Develop understanding about what is involved in making international marketing decisions, including product, price, promotion, and place decisions to create a marketing mix.
- Acquire an overview on the contemporary issues in global marketing and the unique challenges faced by marketing managers in the dynamic global environment.
- Develop insights into how differences in global economic, cultural, social, political, and legal environments can affect marketing decisions.
- Develop strategic thinking in the context of complex problems and challenges faced by the contemporary global executives and managers.
- Develop ability to integrate the important global societal dimensions of diversity, environmental concerns, ethics, and technological change into their thinking.
- Develop knowledge and skills to analyze cross-cultural variables and their impact on international marketing.
- Discover sources of information for researching and evaluating international markets.
- Communicate effectively about marketing issues in group discussions, oral presentations and written reports.
- Work effectively as a team member in analyzing marketing issues. 1
- Develop leadership skills necessary to deal with the uncertainty and changes faced by today’s global marketers.
I B 351. International Business
3 Credits (3)
The various aspects of international business, and identification and analysis of problems encountered by multinational companies.
Prerequisite: junior standing or consent of instructor.
I B 398. International Business and Economic Environments
3 Credits (3)
Description and analysis of various world regions, e.g., Pacific Rim, Eastern Europe, South Asia. Region will vary from semester to semester.
I B 449. Open Economy Macroeconomics
3 Credits (3)
This course studies theoretical and empirical macroeconomics in international dimension. It covers from the fundamental concepts of national income and growth, monetary/fiscal and exchange rate policies, foreign exchange markets, international trade and finance, and regionalization/economic integration to the impact analysis of these macroeconomic fundamentals in the open economy. Crosslisted with: ECON 449.
Prerequisite(s): BFIN 341 OR ECON 311.
I B 450. International Economics
3 Credits (3)
Trade and capital flows between countries, international payments, government policy in balance-of-payments and tariff matters, international organizations. Crosslisted with: ECON 450G
Prerequisite(s): ECON 2110G or ECON 2110H and ECON 2120G or ECON 2120H.
I B 475. International Finance
3 Credits (3)
International aspects of financial transactions, decision-making, banking and financial markets. Crosslisted with: BFIN 475 and BFIN 575.
Prerequisite(s): BFIN 341.
I B 489. Senior Seminar in International Business
3 Credits (3)
Capstone class for I B majors. Integration of previous classwork via the examination of case studies and completion of a major project.
Prerequisite: I B core.