Life Sciences
- Agricultural Biology (Applied Biology) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Agricultural Biology (Applied Microbiology) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Agricultural Biology (Entomology) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Agricultural Biology (Environmental Biology) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Agricultural Biology (Invasive Pest Biology and Management) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Agricultural and Extension Education (Agricultural Extension/Development) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Agronomy - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Animal Science (Animal Industry) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Animal Science (Science) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Biology (Secondary Education) - Bachelor of Arts
- Biology - Bachelor of Arts
- Biology - Bachelor of Science
- Computer Science - Bachelor of Arts
- Conservation Ecology - Bachelor in Conservation Ecology
- Conservation Ecology - Bachelor of Science in Conservation Ecology
- Environmental Science - Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- Fisheries and Wildlife Science (Aquatic Ecology and Management) - Bachelor of Science in Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology
- Fisheries and Wildlife Science (Wildlife Ecology and Management) - Bachelor of Science in Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology
- Food Science and Technology (Culinary Science) - Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology
- Food Science and Technology (Meat Science) - Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology
- Food Science and Technology (Science, Technology and Engineering) - Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology
- Genetics and Biotechnology - Bachelor of Science in Genetics
- Genetics and Biotechnology - Bachelor of Science in Genetics
- Horticulture (Turfgrass Science and Management) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Horticulture - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Microbiology - Bachelor of Science
- Range Science - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Soil Science (Environment and Resource Management) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Soil Science (Soil and Water Science) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- Soil Science (Soils) - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture