Resources for Students

Academic Advising: NMSU-A offers centralized academic advising by appointment and on a walk-in basis. Advisors provide academic advising services to all students and prospective students for programs offered at NMSU-A as well as information for students transferring to the Las Cruces campus. They also provide pre-enrollment information, course selection assistance, degree plan requirements, and college transfer information. The Advisors also provide course approval verification to students enrolled in financial assistance programs such as Veterans Programs and other state and federally funded programs. Individuals can make appointments through Navigate, by contacting advisors through or by contacting NMSU-A Student Services at 575-439-3600.
Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Center offers free assistance in writing, accounting, reading, various sciences, and mathematics. Tutors are available to assist students with problems that they may have in any of these subject areas. The Academic Support Center has daily hours Monday-Saturday in the spring and fall semesters. Summer daily hours are Monday-Friday. Proctored exams are provided for students as per requirements from instructors.
Admissions & Records Office: The Admissions & Records Office receives and processes all NMSU-A admissions applications and supporting documents. All registration, course drop/adds, university withdrawal transactions, military waivers, etc. are processed through this office. The NMSU-A Admissions & Records Office provides forms to order unoffical transcripts from the NMSU Las Cruces campus. Students can order official transcripts from the NMSU Las Cruces campus through their MyNMSU account or the university website. Residency requirements and applications, student privacy act information, and general enrollment procedures are also available from the Admissions & Records Office. Applications are available online at
Bookstore: NMSU Alamogordo utilizes a virtual bookstore with Follett located on the Las Cruces campus. Student are able to order textbooks online through the mynmsu portal using the registration tab. Textbook options include new and used purchases, rental and digital options. The direct link to the bookstore is For more information or questions, contact the NMSU Main Campus Bookstore at (575) 646-4431.
Career Planning/Job Search Assistance: The Career Center provides career assessment, career planning advisement, occupational information, and job search support and assistance (i.e., resumes, cover letters, job search tips). To support this effort, Career Services’ Handshake database system can be utilized when searching for jobs related to one’s academic major, or for temporary, seasonal work, community jobs and work-study positions. Every student has a Handshake account available through their MyNMSU Launchpad. For work-study information see
All students may use the Career Center resources which include a collection of career and job hunting books, catalogs, periodicals, and assessment inventories such as VitaNavis . Visit the Career Center web site at or call (575) 439-3600 for more information.
Children on Campus: NMSU-A is an institution of higher education. Therefore, parents are urged to leave children at home and/or in the care of an adult. Children must ALWAYS be attended by a responsible adult when on campus. Leaving children unattended (on the patio, in the Student Union, in lounges, outside classrooms, etc.) is not permitted. Children are permitted in classrooms at the instructor’s discretion. Children must not be permitted to disrupt classes.
Computer Centers: NMSU-A has computer labs located in the Science Center, the Academic Support Center, and the Library. The labs are open to all registered students. Computer labs are open at varying times so check for posted hours in each location. Printer access and printing fee information can be found in the Tuition and Fees section of this catalog. All computer labs are equipped with computers to assist visually impaired students. Any student needing special computer needs must go through the campus Accessibilities Services Coordinator. The Computer Center web page is Current students may checkout a Windows or Mac laptop computer during the current semester for official school business and coursework. Software required for your courses may be able to be loaded so you can continue to work on assignments off campus. Students should check with the ICT department on the NMSU-Alamogordo campus for full details and availability.
Degree Audit: Students have access to the Degree Audit System (STAR) available through their student online account at To self check progress toward a degree, students must select the college, the degree, and the year they meet the requirements. See an Advisor for assistance, if necessary.
Health Services: Virtual medical and mental health is available through Virtual Care Group. This free, confidential, and unlimited service can be accessed by visiting NMSUA students can speak with a doctor or therapist 365 days a year with 24/7 access. Contact NMSU-A Student Services if you have questions, 575-439-3600.
ID Cards: All students must have an NMSU-A ID card. Cards are available in the Office of Student Services. The card is required to sign in at Student Services, check books out of the library, to allow students into school events, and provide a discount to students for some activities. This photo ID card contains the Banner Student ID Number. Students should have the number readily available for all activities and services on campus.
Library: The David H. Townsend Library provides information services and research assistance to NMSU-A students, faculty, staff, and community residents. There are two dozen desktop computers in the library classroom and twenty desktop computers throughout the library, available for students to use at their leisure. The library has recently been renovated to provide dedicated spaces for lounging and collaboration. The study rooms have also been updated to provide students with the latest smartboard technology and electronics hub to use while they study. The library offers easy access to online databases showcasing our physical collection and online resources. For hours and additional information please see the library web site at
Online Learning Center: The Online Learning Center helps support students in their online learning and with utilizing Canvas. Students can stop by in person or schedule a virtual meeting by sending an email to
Placement Assessment: At the time of registration, the academic skill level of all entering first-time students is evaluated using optional ACT and/or SAT scores or high school performance, and in-house testing. Advisors will assist students in determining the best sequence of courses to meet their academic goals. More information about placement can be found at Placement methodology and scoring are subject to change, and scores are valid for one year. Assessments are offered at the Testing Center, located in the Academic Support Center (ASC). Check with the ASC for the current schedule. Initial placement assessments are FREE; however, students may be changed a nominal fee to retake a placement exam. A fee may be charged to send placement scores to another college or university.
Resource Centers: The Language Lab Resource Center provides tutoring and assistance in Spanish and German languages.
Student Center: The Student Center serves as a central recreational and leisure area for the NMSU-A student population. It houses a Veterans lounge, a recreation room with game tables and quiet study space.
Student Conduct: The Vice President for Student Success serves as the NMSU-A Discipline Officer for student misconduct. The Vice President for Academic Affairs serves as the Hearing Officer for academic misconduct. The Student Handbook can be found on the web site Please refer to these sections: Covid-19 Requirements, Student Social Code of Conduct, Academic Code of Conduct, and Title IX and Non-Discrimination. Contact Student Services at 575-439-3716 for information on Student Organization.
Student Holds - Academic Advisor’s Hold: All students who are new to the NMSU-A campus and all students classified as freshmen (including transfer students) must see an Advisor to have their New or Freshman Student Hold lifted. This is to assure that beginning students have selected appropriate classes that meet their placement assessment results, have met prerequisites, and are aware of the services available to them. This hold is for two semesters and will come off at the end of the second semester. Holds are lifted in the Office of Advising. Students may contact an Advisor by phone (439-3600), by email at, or in person in the Advising Office in Student Services.
Student Holds - Satisfactory Progress Hold: Academic degree-seeking students who place into developmental courses in Math, English, and Reading must complete the required developmental coursework with a grade of C- or better before the completion of 24 credits. If a student does not meet that requirement, the student will have a hold put on his or her record and must meet with an academic advisor before registration can take place.
Western Interstate Commission For Higher Education (WICHE): NMSU collaborates with the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) in recommending graduates of the university for programs in dentistry, graduate library studies, occupational therapy, optometry, osteopathy, podiatry, public health, and veterinary medicine in universities of other western states. The State of New Mexico subsidizes the education of New Mexico residents when approved for training in these fields in other states. This subsidy is a loan-for-service program which permits New Mexico residents to attend state-supported institutions at in-state tuition rates and private institutions at approximately one-third the standard tuition cost if they practice in New Mexico for an equal number of years after graduation. This program is contingent upon funding by the state legislature. For further information write the Certifying Officer for New Mexico:
WICHE’s Student Exchange Program
New Mexico Higher Education Department
2048 Galisteo St.
Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100
Accessibility Services Department (ASD)
This department assists individuals with documented disabilities to obtain appropriate academic accommodations. Students with sensory, mobility, learning, or other recognized impairments are encouraged to contact the NMSU-A Accessibility Services Coordinator at (575) 439-3721 to obtain instructions for completing the Petition for Accommodations. Accommodations are available at any time during the semester, but students are encouraged to request accommodations prior to the start of the semester. Services may include:
- assistance in obtaining textbooks in e-format,
- alternative testing accommodations, and
- assistance in locating tutors, readers, note takers, and
- American Sign Language interpreters.
Available adaptive equipment includes computers with speech synthesizers, windows eye, movie caption, large print software, portable enhanced vision machines, talking calculator, MP3 recorders, Braille printer, FM assistive listening device, and a microscope for the visually impaired. Additional information is available on our web page at:
NMSU-A Complaint Procedure Regarding Accessibility
Issues: NMSU-A has adopted an internal procedure providing for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 USCS § 691 2993, Section 504) or of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability.
Students are encouraged to attempt to resolve any problems or complaints they might have at the local college level first. Students should initially contact the NMSU-A Accessibility Services Coordinator, (575) 439-3600, in an effort to resolve problems related to the need for, or provision of, special accommodations, as well as those that are related to access needs or the equalization of learning opportunity. The next level of appeal is the Vice President for Student Success.
Informal Complaint Procedure: The student may wish or choose to resolve the complaint on an informal basis, i.e., mediation, a letter to the professor, a telephone call, or some resolution amenable to the student. A written confidential record of the final outcome or resolution will be retained at the NMSU-A Student Success Office.
For further information, contact:
Accessibility Services Coordinator (575) 439-3721
Vice President for Student Success (575) 439-3717
Formal Grievance Procedure: All discrimination complaints made to a person in a position of authority must be reported to the Director of the Office of Institutional Equity/EEO at the O’Loughlin House, 1130 East University Avenue, Las Cruces, immediately, regardless of whether or not permission was given by the party subjected to the discrimination. Completion of the EEO Grievance Form is required within 15 working days after the occurrence or within 5 working days following the informal complaint process (unless extenuating circumstances warrant exception). The grievance will be accepted or denied in writing by the Director of the Office of Institutional Equity/EEO (or designee). If denied, the complainant may appeal in writing to the Executive Vice President and provost (or designee) within 5 working days of the receipt of written denial letter. If accepted, the party charged will be provided with a copy of the complaint documents and will be extended 10 working days to respond. The complainant will be provided a copy of the response, and may amend the initial grievance within 2 working days to provide any additional documentation. The Director of the Office of Institutional Equity/EEO (or designee) will investigate relevant issues, secure appropriate statements, and prepare a report for administrative review. All employees and students should be aware that the university is prepared to take action in a timely manner to prevent and remedy such behavior and those individuals who engage in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action. All individuals are required to cooperate with any investigation in response to an allegation of unlawful harassment. Refusal to cooperate in an investigation may result in disciplinary action in accordance with university policy. Any disciplinary action may be appealed through the appropriate procedure.
Complete Appeals/Grievance document can be found at: .
The Internal Discrimination Complaint Form is now electronic and can be accessed at
The OIE (Office of Institutional Equality) address and contact information is:
Office of Institutional Equity/EEO
1130 E. University
MSC 3515 P.O. Box 30001
Las Cruces, NM 88003
Office: (575) 646-3635
Fax: (575) 646-2182
TTY : (575) 646-7802
Student Safety
NMSU-A strives to provide a safe campus for students. Security officer(s) are normally present during daytime, evening, and weekend class periods. They maintain an office in the Physical Plant. Upon request, campus security officers will escort students, faculty, and/or staff to their automobiles during evening hours.
Safety procedures, campus crime statistics, and drug and alcohol policies are routinely updated on the NMSU-A web page.
Lost and found items are maintained in the security office located in the Physical Plant.
Campus Emergency Notification System
NMSU-A has instituted Everbridge, a mass notification emergency messaging system. With this system all employees and students who have a Banner ID are automatically notified via text message, phone call, or email.
Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB)
NMSU-A is a regionally accredited institution. The campus offers CCAF approved courses for every general education area of the CCAF. Classes are taught online and in-person on campus and at HAFB. Active-duty, veterans, dependents, DoD workers, and other community members may take the on-base classes. More classes may be offered on-base upon request. NMSU-A is also partnered with the GEM program, and has many MyCAA approved programs. NMSU-A has an advising office located in the Learning Center Building 224 in room 208/212, with a representative on site that can assist students in applying, advising, and general financial aid questions. Contact info: 575-439-3720 or
HAFB Vehicle Pass
If a student wishes to attend an on-base class, but does not have base access, the student must first register for the course. Then the student must contact the HAFB advisor 575-439-3720 or for the process of acquiring base access. Access is not guaranteed. Procedures for obtaining base access can be found at
Online Programs/Classes
NMSU-A offers students near and far the opportunity to obtain their associates degree or certificates with an array of 100% online programs. Online programs allow students to complete their education from anywhere in the world.
NMSU-A currently offers the following degrees 100% online:
- Arts, Associate Degree
- Accounting, Certificate of Completion
- Business Leadership, Certificate of Completion
- Business Management (Accounting), Associate of Applied Science Degree
- Business Management (General Management), Associate of Applied Science Degree
- Business Management (Marketing), Associate of Applied Science Degree
- Criminal Justice, Associate Degree
- General Management, Certificate of Completion
- Legal Assistant, Certificate of Completion
- Marketing, Certificate of Completion
- Paralegal Studies, Associate of Applied Science Degree
- Prebusiness, Associate Degree
- Science, Associate Degree
All online courses have been reviewed externally and have met the Higher Education Quality Matters™ Standards for course design. This process utilizes the nationally accepted Specific Review Standards of the Quality Matters™ Rubric. NMSU-A online courses are engaging, high quality, and prepare students for continuation of their education or for entering the workforce.
Course options are available in all online programs so there is never a need to attend face-to-face classes on campus. Any synchronous sessions will always be virtual and identified at the beginning of that particular course.
NMSU-A supports online students with services including tutoring, advising, financial aid, and admissions.
Once you complete your Criminal Justice Degree or your Prebusiness Degree, you can move to New Mexico State University Online and finish a bachelor's degree with a smooth transition.
For more detailed information visit the Online Education area of the website at or contact the Director of Online Quality Assurance.
Other Resources
Pathways and Career Education (PACE):The Pathways and Career Education (PACE) program of NMSU-A provides services and instruction for adults in need of a High School Equivalency. Classes offered are reading, math, English, work place skills, vocabulary development, basic computer skills, and English as a Second Language (ESL). Assessments for class placement are provided in addition to pretests for official GED® or HiSET. PACE is located in the Tays Center (575) 439-3812.
Pearson Vue Lab, official GED/HiSET exam site, and Test Proxy: NMSU-A serves as the GED® and HiSET Center for Alamogordo and the surrounding community service areas.
Small Business Development Center: “Building New Mexico’s Economy One Business at a Time.” The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) located at NMSU-A provides free, confidential counseling to small business owners and prospective entrepreneurs in the areas of business planning, evaluation, marketing, management, financial analysis and loan package preparation. The SBDC assists with all aspects of starting and managing a business, as well as finding solutions to challenges faced by existing business owners and entrepreneurs. The Alamogordo SBDC is part of the New Mexico SBDC Network, consisting of 18 centers throughout the state. Free and low-cost training and workshops are also available. Through a vast network of local, state and federal resource partners, the Alamogordo SBDC is able to provide clients and students with access to numerous business resources. For more information on small business counseling and training opportunities, please call the SBDC at (575) 439-3660 or visit online at