M SC 110. Introduction to Military Science
2 Credits (2+1P)
Introduction to the Army, the Profession of Arms, and critical thinking. Students will examine the Army Profession and what it means to be a professional in the U.S. Army. The overall focus is on developing basic knowledge and comprehension of the Army Leadership Requirements Model while gaining a complete understanding of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program, its purpose in the Army, and its advantages for the student. Cadets also learn how resiliency and fitness supports their development as an Army leader. Includes a weekly lab facilitated by MSL III Cadets and supervised by Cadre. May be repeated up to 2 credits. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only.
M SC 111. Introduction to Leadership
2 Credits (2+1P)
Introduction to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership. Students learn how the personal development of life skills such as critical thinking, time management, goal setting, and communication contribute to effective leadership. Students learn the basics of the communications process and the importance for leaders to develop the essential skills to effectively communicate in the Army. Students will begin learning the basics of squad level tactics that will be reinforced during a weekly lab facilitated by MSL III Cadets and supervised by Cadre. May be repeated up to 2 credits. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only.
M SC 210. Self/Team Development
3 Credits (3+1P)
A focus on leadership and decision making. The course adds depth to the student’s understanding of the Adaptability Army Learning Area. Outcomes are demonstrated through Critical and Creative Thinking and the ability to apply Troop Leading Procedures (TLP) to apply Innovative Solutions to Problems. The Army Profession is also stressed through leadership forums and a leadership self-assessment. Students are then required to apply their knowledge outside the classroom in a hands-on performance-oriented environment during a weekly lab facilitated by MSL III Cadets and supervised by Cadre and three physical fitness sessions per week. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only.
M SC 211. Leadership in Action and Team Building
3 Credits (3+1P)
A focus on Army doctrine and team development. The course begins the journey to understand and demonstrate competencies as they relate to Army doctrine. Army Values, Teamwork, and Warrior Ethos and their relationship to the Law of Land Warfare and philosophy of military service are also stressed. The ability to lead and follow is also covered through Team Building exercises at squad level. Students are then required to apply their knowledge outside the classroom in a hands-on performance-oriented environment during a weekly lab facilitated by MSL III Cadets and supervised by cadre and three physical fitness sessions per week. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only.
M SC 225. Directed Studies
1-3 Credits
Individual directed studies under supervision of the Professor of Military Science. May be repeated up to 12 credits. Restricted to Las Cruces campus only.
Prerequisite(s): GPA 2.5 or better.