LAWE 180. Public Safety First Line Supervisor
3-6 Credits (3-6)
This course is designed to enhance public safety personnel's human resource management and reduce organizational liability. Consent of Instructor required. Restricted to Community Colleges campuses
Learning Outcomes
- Describe and explain police administration.
- Explain and discuss the various leadership and management theories.
- Define and discuss the various types of leadership skills and management styles.
- Express and discuss the role of the police administrator and police administration.
- Explain the leadership required of police administrators for an effective Law Enforcement administration.
- Describe and interpret the "quality approach to managing community relations"
- Explain and discuss the necessities of introducing organizational change.
- Explain and discuss the planning, programming and budgetary process including: variables that affect the decision-making process.
- Analyze and discuss the role of effective communications in a police organization including negotiations and conflict resolution. 1
- Explain and analyze the role of human resources in the organization including: their role in the recruitment and selection process; training; performance evaluations; promotions; and assessment centers. K) Discuss the role of police unions and explain their significance in labor relations.
LAWE 201. Introduction to Juvenile Delinquency
3 Credits (3)
An introductory overview of the juvenile justice system of due process, custody, detention and release. Note: course does not meet upper division requirements towards completion of Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice. Restricted to: Community Colleges Only.
LAWE 202. Police Patrol Procedures
3 Credits (3)
A critical review of police procedures and the influences on police behavior; policy development, including the police role; discretion; police community interaction and arrest, search and seizure. Restricted to: Community Colleges only.
LAWE 203. Introduction to Police Supervision
3 Credits (3)
An introductory overview of police supervision and concerns as it applies to law enforcement. (Note: Course does not meet upper division requirements toward completion of Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.) Restricted to: Community Colleges only.
LAWE 204. Introduction to Homeland Security
3 Credits (3)
A historical perspective of international and domestic terrorist threats and the need to develop cohesive response policies and practices in the interest of National Security. [Course does not meet requirements towards completion of Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.] Restricted to: Community Colleges only.
Prerequisite(s): CJUS 1110G.
LAWE 206. Traffic Enforcement and Crash Investigations
3 Credits (3)
History and development of traffic laws and regulations, including basic elements of traffic violations, detection, apprehension, impaired drivers and guidelines and procedures for effective crash investigations and reporting. Restricted to: Community Colleges only.
LAWE 207. Legal Aspects of Law Enforcement
3 Credits (3)
An evaluation of police authority including responsibilities, civil liability, liability implications, legal obligations, legal restraints, laws of arrest, and search and seizure. Retricted to: Community Colleges only.
LAWE 221. Law Enforcement Internship
3 Credits (3)
Application of knowledge, skills and abilities, in an agency as an intern and integrated member of a law enforcement affiliated agency.
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
LAWE 233. Practical Approach to Terrorism
3 Credits (3)
Gives responders an overall safety approach in recognizing and responding to incidents involving terrorism. Presents an overview in types of harm, explosive weapons, chemical weapons, biological weapons and radiological weapons. Restricted to: Community Colleges only.
LAWE 255. Special Topics
1-3 Credits (1-3)
Introductory special topics of lower division level work that provides a variety of timely subjects and content material. Specific subjects to be announced in the Schedule of Classes. A passing grade of C- or better is required. May be repeated up to 6 credits. Consent of Instructor required. Restricted to Community Colleges campuses
Learning Outcomes
- Obtaining foundational skills in the administration of justice by differentiating the role of police and corrections in contemporary America.
- Competence in the legal elements of constitutional, criminal, and substantive law, rules of evidence, search and seizure, and the role of the courts in the adjudication of the law in America.
- Ability to identify, analyze, and synthesize knowledge from discipline-specific courses in criminalistics, legal aspects, homeland security, terrorism, and patrol operations to effectively conduct a practical field investigation and traffic crash investigation.
- Ability to develop a criminal justice ethical perspective consistent with 21st century America to, effectively and ethically, perform a criminal justice role in law enforcement or corrections.
- Basic crime scene management, crime scene note-taking techniques, collection of evidence, and case presentations.
- An application of knowledge, skills, and abilities, as an intern or integrated member of a criminal justice affiliated agency.
LAWE 298. Independent Study
3 Credits (3)
Individual studies directed by the consenting faculty with prior approval of the department chair. A passing grade of C- or better is required. May be repeated up to 6 credits. Consent of Instructor required. Restricted to Community Colleges campuses
Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing with a 3.0 or better GPA.
Learning Outcomes
- Obtaining foundational skills in the administration of justice by differentiating the role of police and corrections in contemporary America.
- Competence in the legal elements of constitutional, criminal, and substantive law, rules of evidence, search and seizure, and the role of the courts in the adjudication of the law in America.
- Ability to identify, analyze, and synthesize knowledge from discipline-specific courses in criminalistics, legal aspects, homeland security, terrorism, and patrol operations to effectively conduct a practical fietd investigation and traffic crash investigation.
- Ability to develop a criminal justice ethical perspective consistent with 21 st century America to, effectively and ethically, perform a criminal justice role in law enforcement or corrections.
- Basic crime scene management, crime scene note-taking techniques, collection of evidence, and case presentations.
- An application of knowledge, skills, and abilities, as an intern or integrated member of a criminal justice affiliated agency.
- Effective communication, orally and in writing, using appropriate references and technologies.
- Analytical and critical thinking skills when solving complex issues in criminology and the criminal justice system.
- Competence using and applying appropriate criminological theories on crime causation. 1
- Competence in understanding and describing how gender, race, ethnicity, age, social class, and sexuality contribute to differing experiences in the criminal justice system. 1
- Competence in understanding how the inter-dependence of the major components of the criminal justice system (i.e., police, courts, correctional agencies) affect victims, offenders, justice professionals, and society. 1
- Competence in understanding and applying the fundamental elements of both criminal and constitutional law. 1
- Competence in the legal foundation of criminal justice and the importance of due process.